The garden is producing like crazy! We have been so busy canning, freezing, and drying that we haven't had time for much else. The watermelon and cantaloupe have been so good. This hot weather makes me crave cold melon. The peppers have been producing abundantly. It is time to make salsa, roasted peppers and I have been drying certain kinds to use in cooking this winter.
The "girls" have been producing an abundance of eggs so we have had lots to eat and sell. My family has been enjoying the eating, especially when I made a lemon meringue pie.
The flowers are a source of pleasure and create peace when I have a minute to sit down and just look at them and the butterflies and hummingbirds that are getting nutrients from them. There are certain kinds of flowers that I get so much enjoyment from growing year after year.
The corn has produced so much we have filled the freezer and sold a lot this summer. We planted 3 different plantings this spring and have never had all 3 plantings do so well. Usually, worms start
during the second planting and by the 3rd planting we have to fight the worms to even get some corn. This year, the worms didn't even get started good until toward the end of the 3rd planting, so we had beautiful ears of corn.
Our buddy, "Danni," has thoroughly adapted to life here at Oak Valley Farm and appears to plan
to stay. She has made friends with the other cats and the dogs, so she has others to play with. Our family has so enjoyed having a kitten around again that I don't know what we would do without her.
The pantry is full and awaiting winter to arrive when we are cooking lots of soups, stews, and hot foods....comfort foods. The beauty of looking at all the shelves of canned food is a pleasure and a comfort in itself.
Thank you for following our blog. Our family hopes you have enjoyed it!