so many problems that we went to a computer technician for help. He basically said that no one is finding windows 10 user friendly and all of the techs he knows are having trouble also. I apologize
for not blogging sooner, I do hope you will understand.
We narrowly missed an ice storm that moved far enough north that it missed us for the most part. But there for a while I sure thought we would be iced in for the weekend.
The garden is in sleeping, dormant mode at present. While I am planning for the next season and using all of those wonderful fruits and veggies that I preserved last summer and fall. It is so exciting to plan a new garden and try new varieties.
Not only am I planning the different varieties that it would be nice to try, but there is also the planning of soil amendments to help those fruits and veggies grow! There is also the planning of when to plant and when those plants should produce a harvest, and reading over my notes that are kept on a calendar so my feeble mind can remember events that occurred in the garden last summer.
Now is the time to order seeds, plan placement in the garden and the appropriate date to plant seeds either indoors or directly in the garden. Last fall I brought pots of curly and flat leaf parsley indoors when the weather became too cold and have enjoyed them all this time. Last week I cut most of it and dried it in the dehydrator while still having plenty to use fresh. Cutting also encourages growth
of new shoots. Since they are producing plants they do need some fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks during the winter.
Today we have some sunshine and the water is sinking into the soil from all the rain we had especially through the night last night and the night before. With the sunshine brings eagerness and joy to begin a new growing season! I am already making lists of things that might be done the next few days as the temps stay in the 50's and low 60's. If nothing else, get online and find seed companies where you can shop online, or let your local garden enthusiasts know what you would be willing to buy, barter, or trade next summer when the crops come in full and beautiful! Enjoy every moment of every day. Talk to you soon.