The seeds are ordered and most have arrived. Planning for the 2017 garden has been in full-swing for a few months now. We are going to apply compost this week, then begin planting potatoes, onions, lettuces, radishes and beets. It won't be long before it will be time to plant other wonderful fruits and vegetables.
In my spare time this winter I have been quilting and crocheting. My spouse says I have hobbies for every season so I never get tired of whatever is going on at the time. The truth is I learned to quilt from my grandmothers and mother, all of them fabulous quilters, and I am forever grateful for their time and patience in teaching me these things. This project is called a "sampler quilt." It is not quite
finished yet but it is close.
My mom would have loved this quilt, but since she has passed, I am hoping my own child will enjoy it someday. Another of my favorite things is to crochet booties, which I have done for many years for family and friends.
After the rain a few days ago, the grass has started turning green and the trees are budding out. Of course many of us are battling sinus issues due to all of the budding and pollinating around us. We transplanted a young tree about a month ago and it is budding out beautifully. The sunny days have made the chickens happy and their egg production has picked up a bit. We have a weather forecast for the next few days for rain, snow and sleet. Old man winter is reminding us it isn't over yet. That sounds like a good time for soup and chili.
Best of luck to all of you who are beginning a garden soon, hope to hear from you.