Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18, 2016I

The garden is almost finished for the year.  We have peppers and carrots still growing and we're planning to plant some fall lettuce today before the forecast rain.  The chickens are enjoying roaming the area with all the bugs and worms available.  Soon their choices will be very limited. I  added another layer of straw to the litter on the floor since the weather is supposed to be cooling off again.

We had the best harvest of pumpkins that we have ever had this year!!!  It was amazing for us.  It must also be amazing for the bugs that like to eat on the pumpkins because the pumpkins that have been attacked already are being canned.  We love pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie.

There are still plenty of strawberry plants available if you are interested in planting some this fall so they can root well before the weather turns cold.  Just email us and we will work out the rest.

The apple crop was also good this year and we have been busy making apple butter and applesauce...delicious!

The weather has been warm some days and cool others so the chickens can't make up their minds how or when they are going to lay, but at least the eggs are still coming just slower.  We here at Oak Valley Farm wish all of you a wonderful fall season and hope to see you again soon.

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